Sunday, April 13, 2014

Intro/Friday Night Lights

I had such a great time blogging about my trip the last year, I figured I would touch on another topic that is close to my heart.  Recently I sat down and listed all the shows that I have seen from start to finish and that list is staggering.  In an attempt to not let all this tv viewing go down in vain (well over 365 days.....really), I wanted to review shows for all the binge viewers out there.  Seeing as we have all adapted from watching a show once a week, save for a special few, to slamming through full seasons on rainy weekend.  It seems irresponsible for me not to tell you what I think about shows such as The Shield, Terriers, and Gossip Girl.  Where to find it, if its worth starting, how hot the characters are and any other reasons to tune in.  Without further adieu, I give you Friday Night Lights....quite possibly The Lego Movie of all tv shows, a perfect fit for all demographics.  Most of these posts will try to contain more humor, cause why not, but this show is so good I really find it hard to make fun of.  HOWEVER, no show is perfect and in season 2, there are two story lines that make no sense whatsoever.  A person with a permanent injury to their spine seeks out Mexican shaman for shank DNA miracle fix..............and foiled rapist is brutally murdered by weakling during half-assed rape attempt.  I am glad the guy was killed, but he should have been killed on the writing room floor, or while filming, or in post production, or by anyone who has ever watched TV and had a shot before this aired.  For 5 seasons if that is all I have to really complain about, you are doing a pretty damn fine job.

Intended Audience: Anyone and everyone, perfect if you are looking for a show to watch as a couple.
Where to find it: Hulu+, Amazon Fire and Streaming on Netflix
Seasons: 5
Good seasons: 5

Show Synopsis: Texas high school football and the daily lives of all those involved.  Coaches, players, cheerleaders, boosters, groupies, kids at school that don't do sports (but then become the kicker), and just about anyone else you can think of.  This show spans 5 years of a football crazed town and focuses on about 4 families and how they grow/adapt/change as the seasons progress.   Not much else left to say, the show can speak for itself

My Review:  This show plays to anyone and everyone, unlike other shows I will review, FNL has it all.  Great story-line, plausible situations (minus the one dude that had that one thing happen when he attacked the hot girl in season 2, that was stupid), gorgeous cast, and great acting.  I watched the first episode live when it first started and didn't watch another till I bought the season 1 DVD at target for $7.99.  Meaning the first episode is a rip off of Varsity Blues, Friday Night Lights the movie, Dawson's Creek and any other teen drama you would watch.  So, the first episode sucks is an understatement.  Its the only bad episode of the whole series, get past the hackneyed intro and you will enjoy it all the way through. 
Main Characters/Eye Candy:  This list could be loooooong
Kyle Chander- Stud/older eye candy
Connie Britton- Babe/older eye candy
There are so many more to go, and these two are the glue that holds the show together, so I will just show pictures of characters that are good looking that are in the show.  Guys, lots of great cleve shots, girls I am sure Riggs takes his shirt off more than once.

 Grandma Saracens still got it   

And that is just characters from season 1!!!!!!!!  This show is really well done/acted and I would recommend as a must watch.  With 5 seasons to "Smash" through you will have plenty of 2 am nights where you tell yourself "Just one more.

Finale Payoff:  I wanted to think of a ranking system to compare all series finale episodes, but could not think of anything that worked, so I decided to go on a 1-10 scale.  A 1 being the final episode of Weeds, or some other show that we just put out of its misery after staying on the air for way too long.  A 10 being Breaking Bad (pretty much spoiler alert!!!).  When looking back at the final episodes and ultimately the last 60 minutes of Friday Night Lights, one is not left disappointed.  Its a solid 9 on the Weeds-Breaking Bad scale.  Rumor has it they are going to make a movie for the remaining characters at the end.....take my $$$$ right the F now cause I would be willing to buy an international plane ticket to Japan if that were the only place this movie was showing.  90+ more minutes with coach and the gang is not nearly enough, but I am sure anyone who has seen the show will take it.

This show goes down as a MUST WATCH and on the random Meme Scale it is: or

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