Thursday, June 5, 2014

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad, what can you say....this show is nearly flawless.  If you have not seen it yet, go watch it right now.  Take the week off work, get Netflix fired up, and sit back for 62 episodes of amazing.  In fact, let me know and I'll come over and watch it with you.  You will not regret it, having me over or binge watching this show.

Sadly, this is pretty much the eye candy of the show as well.  Here are your top 4 Breaking Bad characters, them and lawyer Saul Goodman, and Badger, and Hank he is pretty good too. Needless to say this show is stocked full of acting talent.

Intended Audience- Anyone and everyone that likes good TV.  Most great television shows die too young (Seasons 1-3 Arrested Development) or go on way past their prime (Arrested Development Season 4, although I still liked it).  Breaking Bad is the perfect amount of episodes/seasons/finale combination.  At some point, when I have seen more shows from start to finish I will compile a list of best series finale episodes.  Just off the top of my head, Six Feet Under, Friday Night Lights, the last 5 minutes of Prison Break are all great, but Breaking Bad is now the gold standard on how to end a show.

Where to Find it- Just like the other,s Breaking Bad can be found on Netflix.  Netflix is the best.

Show Synopsis- Fresh of a cancer diagnosis, a High School science teacher starts making Meth in his spare time in order to pay off mounting medical bills and ensure his family will be taken care of when he is gone. That is as plain and generic as of description as I can write.  There really is no need for anymore though, because you either have all ready seen it and know where it goes from there.  Or, you are going to watch it, and would be mad at me if I gave any additional plot points away.  On the them of bland and general I'll touch on a bit more:  He (This is Walt we are now talking about) has a wife, AMC hates women characters, so you most likely won't like her.  His son changes his given name of Walter Jr. to Flynn around season 2, sorry to all you Flynns out there but that name is hilarious.  His sister in law is nuts and loves purple, his brother in law has a job that isn't conducive to his new occupation.  And to say that he steps on a few toes of New Mexico's current drug deals is a major understatement.

My Review- Breaking Bad is as nearly flawless as shows get.  One out of every ten or so episodes is a little dull, but these are to push the plot ahead or really get you ramped up for the upcoming action in the next episode.  Except for the one about the fly, I really did not like that one.
The character arcs that show creator Vince Gilligan puts his heroes or anti-heroes through are more than a day at best roller-coaster park.  They are on top of the world and one moment and minutes later facing impending doom.  They are vile and selfish in an episode, and redeemed in the next.  As the viewer you really go on the ride with Jessie (Guy #2 in picture above) and Walter (Guy #3) and experience all of their trials and triumphs.  The most positive thing that I can say about Breaking Bad is that I can't really find a negative.  Even the women of the show come into their own in the last season.  AMC must have finally seen the light and decided they had time to put a female character on the screen that you didn't openly root against.  They also were able to cameo in one of my favorite comedians, Bill Burr, as well as find a character for FNL star Jesse Plemons (lovable Landry) to play.  He is NOT Landry in this show, even though he still retains a few of the qualities.

Breaking Bad is a triumph of how to do TV the right way.  Just watch a couple of episodes and you will be hooked to it as the Southwestern United States was on Walt's famous blue meth.

Finale- Nearly Flawless.  It is a 9.8 out of 10.  Everything is wrapped up nicely with a pretty bow.

Eye Candy- Did I mention this area was sparse?  I'll do my best....nope, I'll just put up a photo of the main cast and then two of Jessie cause the ladies love Jessie.


In Summary- Just watch it.  There are few things I know more about then if a show is good or not and based on the fact that the majority of the public agrees with me on Breaking Bad, it is probably good.  Give it a go and tell me what you think and I am more than willing to hear a criticism on why you don't like it.  In fact, I would be impressed if you could come up with one.

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